Master Google Sheets Course in Hindi Beginner to Advance.
Learn advance formulas of google sheets, Create dashboard in Google sheets & Many more
07:39:14 on-demand
1 article
Lifetime Access
Certificate Of Completion
3 Students Enrolled
Created by: Satish Dhawale
Last updated: 2020-10-16 12:19:42
Google Sheets Introduction
Google Sheets - Use of Functions
Inserting And Deleting Sheets, Navigating Sheet
Paint Format, Currency Format, % Age Formula
Enable Keyboard Shortcuts, Format Sheet
Hyperlink And Insert Comment
Share Sheets With Multiple People And Word Together
Insert Chart & Format Chart
Insert Chart & Format Chart - 2
Sort And Filter Options
Save Filter, Create Filter
Google Sheets - Filter Formula
Save Version History, Open Excel File
File Menu - Publish File To Web-
Google Sheets - Printing Tips
Google Sheets - Edit Menu - Paste Special
Google Sheets - View Menu - Freeze Panes
Google Sheets - Insert Menu - 1 - Image, Rows, Columns
Google Sheets - Insert Menu - 2 - Google Forms Link To Google Sheets-
Google Sheets - Insert Menu - 3 - Check Boxes - Create To Do List
Format Tab - Conditional Formatting, Number Formatting
Data Menu - Use Of Slicers
Pivot Table - Create Summarize Reports
Add Named Ranges And Apply Formula
Google Protect Worksheet And Range
Spilt Text To Columns, Remove Duplicates
Google Sheets - Macro Recordings
Accessibility Options
Mail Merge - Send Bulk Emails
Ifs Formula Use
Text Join And Concatenate Formula
Google Translate Formula
Vlookup And Hlookup In Google Sheet
Countif, Countifs, Sumif, Sumifs Formula in Google Sheet
Countuniqueifs New Formula
Sparklines Formula (Barcolumnline Chart)
All Isformula - (Isemail, Isnumber, Istext...)
Create QR Code Using Formula
All Useful Text Formulas
All Useful Number Formulas-
Get Uniue Record In Google Sheet
Use Of Query Formula - Remove Blanks
Import Data From Web
Merge Sheets Data
- Merge Workbooks-
Remove Blank Rows Tricks
Offset Formula Introduction
Real Use Of Offset Formula
Created Monthly Report Dashoard
Now every organization switching there task on google sheets to work smart, to work in group, and mainly to work from home so if you are one of them then this is for you but if you are thinking that “it’s not my cup of tea excel is OK for me.” Then I must tell you that you are not upgrading yourself.
Who is this Course for?
Advance Level
What Student Will Learn
Now every organization switching there task on google sheets to work smart, to work in group, and mainly to work from home so if you are one of them then this is for you but if you are thinking that “it’s not my cup of tea excel is OK for me.” Then I must tell you that you are not upgrading yourself.
तो आप क्या सीखोगे ?
Excel में जो डाटा आप मैनेज नहीं कर सकते वो आप गूगल शीट में क्वेरी फार्मूला से आसानी से कर सकते है |
गूगल शीट में आप एक साथ मल्टीप्ल लोग काम कर सकते है | और सभी को अलग अलग टास्क दे सकते और हर एक को प्रोटेक्ट सेल्स में काम दे सकते है |
- Work on Multiple sheet
- Use of Pivot Table in Google sheet
- Create Dashboard in Google Sheet
- Data validation in Google Sheet
- Merge Multiple sheet in Google sheet
- Create Google Forms
- Use Mail Merge in Google sheet
- Create Bar code in Google sheet
- Use of Query Formula
- Many formulas of Google sheet
- Create Dashboard in Google sheets
Requirement of the Course
Basic Computer Knowledge
Satish Dhawale
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